Sunday, March 10, 2013

10 Tips How to Save for that Family Holiday

One of my fondest memories of growing up was the time we took a big family holiday to QLD. I remember Mum and Dad saving for months and months, we got an extra week off school (which was very exciting) and went on a 3 week holiday up the coast staying in cabins in caravan parks along the way.  We kids saved our pocket money so we had special spending money on the holiday.  It was such an adventure and a real experience for us all.

Whether it is an overseas holiday or a camping trip up the coast the question is how can you save for that special holiday which allows you to spend some real quality time together and build some family memories?

One of our favourite things as a family was to find the biggest money tin, (you can get them from the $2 dollar shop) and we would empty our pockets of change each day.  Any money we saved went into the tin. 

Here are some other tips and tricks to help you save some extra dollars: every dollar counts for the little extras for your next holiday

1.    Cut down on your day-to-day spending. Items like: take-away lunches and coffee, that coke at lunch, clothes, take-away dinners etc.

2.    Look at your bills: is there cheaper car insurance? Do you really need all those channels on Austar? Is there a better mobile phone plan or home phone plan your family could be on?  These sorts of things are definitely worth looking into if you haven’t done it for a while.

3.    Lots of unused items in your house?  EBay-it! Also consider a garage sale (ask the neighbours to join in), Gumtree or buys swap sell sites. Toys the kids have grown out of, baby goods, exercise equipment you no longer use – get rid of it!

4.    Travel at cheaper times. If you can, go outside the ‘peak’ season which is usually school holidays. You can quite often get a great deal during off season.

5.    Sign up for newsletters so you find out about any special deals or news on your holiday destination, such as the BIG4 South West Rocks Newsletter.

6.    Don’t buy presents for each other. For your anniversary, Christmas and birthdays put that money towards the holiday account. Likewise, cut down on what you buy the kids – of course you’ll need to get them a few presents but don’t they have enough toys already? A family holiday will last longer in their memory than yet another toy.

7.    Open a separate “holiday” account at the bank. ING have a high-saver account and if I want to transfer money I don’t get it until the following day which makes me think twice when I think about “dipping into” my savings!

8.    Learn to say “no”. When the kids want that ice-cream or treat when you are out, or to go to the movies every weekend or another costly activity – do something free instead like the beach or park. Explain to them the money is being saved for a family holiday.

9.    Buy clothes and presents in sales. If you are super-organised and buy weeks or months in advance anything you need it will save you loads of money in the long-run.

10.  Sit down together a plan a budget – this budget calculator on the Money Smart website might help.

Of course how much time you have to save and where you plan on going will determine how much you need to save. Be realistic with how much you can save and plan a holiday accordingly. That all-expenses trip to Barbados might just have to wait!

And remember, it all counts! You will soon get into the practise of cutting your spending and remembering that it is all for that dream family holiday will make it a lot easier.

You can hear the squeals of excitement when you eventually open up that tin and as a family count what you have saved - you will be amazed. 

Happy holiday saving.  See you soon.

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