Thursday, December 13, 2012

9 Tips to Reduce Stress this Christmas whilst on Holidays!

I’ll just come straight out and say it: Christmas is very stressful. And I put it down to one word: expectations. We all have high expectations of having the “perfect” Christmas Day. From getting the perfect Christmas present for our friends and relatives to having the perfect Christmas lunch, we can get ourselves quite stressed trying to achieve the perfect Christmas Day.
But what if you are on holidays? Being away from your home will mean a completely different Christmas to what you and your family are used to. 
We’ve come up with 9 tips to reduce stress this Christmas while on holidays!
1.       Money. Yes, the Number #1 stress for people at Christmas is money. Because let’s face it: Christmas is a very expensive exercise.  I’ve learnt not to leave buying all those presents until the last minute. I plan carefully and spread purchase over the year. Alternatively open a Christmas Club Account! If you are going on holidays explain that it is a “family present” to go away together on such a fantastic holiday.
2.       If you are on holidays you’ll need to do some serious planning to make sure you have all the food you want while you are away. You don’t want to be caught high and dry so make sure you have supplies!
3.       Wrap presents early. I always seem to be up at some ridiculous hour Christmas Eve wrapping presents. This year I vow to do it early so I can relax Christmas Eve with a wine and a movie!
4.       Lunch. If you are on holidays you probably won’t want to go to all the effort of trying to roast a turkey with all the trimmings. Think simple but nice. Incorporate a few special treats you might not normally have. How about a gourmet BBQ?
5.       My Grandmother was a clever woman and always had a couple of extra presents under the tree for those unexpected guests (or if you happen to be invited somewhere while away!) For example: wine, chocolate, a tin of biscuits, lovely handmade soaps, photo frames or albums are all very good “stand-by” presents.
6.       Stick to routine – even if you are away or on holidays! This is especially important for younger kids. One or two late nights are okay, but try to stick with their usual bedtime, naptimes etc. They will be less grumpy=less tantrums=less stress!
7.       Santa? Get your story straight. The kids are probably going to be concerned about Santa finding them while they are on holidays. Then there is the problem of lugging presents back and forth. On Christmas Day give them a few small presents with a special card from Santa explaining he left the bigger presents under the tree. You might have to line up a special friend or relative to “arrange” the delivery of presents ready for your return.
8.       If you are travelling and in an unfamiliar place once Christmas, take a few small pieces of home with you – such as a small Christmas tree with a few favourite decorations and the photo with Santa will make your kids feel a little “more at home.”
9.       Be flexible. Remember you are not at home so some of the regular traditions might not take place. But this is a great chance to start some new family traditions together!
And my bonus tip is this: make a list (or two or three) and check it twice. A list for presents, food, food preparation or anything else that needs to be done before your holiday. We all love crossing things off lists and feeling like you are working towards Christmas on a day by day basis will make things feel like they are going a lot smoother.
Do you go away at Christmas time? Or are you planning to this year?
xx Ali